Author: Steve Iverson
Being a Disciple of Jesus Calls for Action
Before we continue with our study of the parables, I would like to take this time to thank you for all of your encouraging words and compliments last Sunday. Your feedback is always welcomed because it gives me insight to see how well the messages are being received and understood. I want to note, again,…
Disciples; Beware of Tares
I hope you benefited from last week’s lesson on the Parable of the Sower and the Seed. We, as Jesus’ disciples are to be sowing the seed as we journey through life, regardless of the type of soil we may encounter. This week, in Matthew 13:24-30 we find the Parable of the Tares, also known…
Disciples of Jesus Wash Feet; Are You a Foot Washer?
We have been journeying along with Jesus by looking at His life here on earth. Even though we are not able to touch him as Thomas did, or hear His voice like the multitudes, we still believe these accounts to be true. Jesus lived in a different area of the world, in a different era,…
Who are Those Disciples Who Give the Inexpressible Gift?
The answer to this question may surprise you! In our society today it seems like the more one gives, the more recognition he/she receives. This is definitely the time of year when people have gift-giving in the forefront of their minds. I actually enjoy this time of year and the thought of giving, because we…
Discipleship Requires Believing in Jesus’ Virgin Birth
As a disciple of Jesus, one must believe in His unique beginning. He had to put on flesh, just as everyone else who is a living being. Jesus took on humanity because He was born of a virgin and, at the same time, maintained His deity since His Father was the Holy Spirit of God. …
Who are Those Disciples Who Give the Inexpressible Gift?
The answer to this question may surprise you! In our society today it seems like the more one gives, the more recognition he/she receives. This is definitely the time of year when people have gift-giving in the forefront of their minds. I actually enjoy this time of year and the thought of giving, because we…
Our Call to Discipleship is a Life Worth Living!
Thank you again for taking this time to let me share with you the greatest news ever. Jesus loves us and wants to be close to us. He promises us He will never leave us or forsake us. In this transitioning world and times of uncertainties, this is truly wonderful news. As our study of…
Who is a Disciple and What Does a Disciple Look Like?
Thank you, each and every one, for attending our worship of God on a regular basis. When we choose to worship our Heavenly Father and His Son, our Savior Jesus, we are expressing our greatest appreciation for the love extended to us at Calvary. We honor Him through our acts of worship. Each first day…
What is the Cost and is it Worth it?
Someone once asked me what my favorite book of the Bible was. After I thought about it for a while I said, “Probably the one I am studying at the time.” We have been studying the writings of Apostle Paul the last several weeks so now I have decided to return to the teachings of…