We have been journeying along with Jesus by looking at His life here on earth. Even though we are not able to touch him as Thomas did, or hear His voice like the multitudes, we still believe these accounts to be true. Jesus lived in a different area of the world, in a different era, but we still learn what He wants us to know and practice through following His example.
This week we are going to note an example from Jesus that is not commonly practiced in our day but the principle still can be applied, and must be applied, if we are going to be His modern-day disciples. There are many lessons written on this subject of foot-washing, but most are wildly misinterpreted. Many will perform the actual task of foot-washing but miss the intended lesson. It is a powerful symbol of humble service, love and the need to put others first, essentially teaching Christians to follow His example of humility by serving one another.
Let us begin by seeing why foot-washing was a common practice of the first century. Consider, for a moment, that time and place. According to Brother Jim Sheerer, in his commentary on the New Testament, “In the first century, they wore sandals without socks; therefore, when they went somewhere their feet were dusty, if not dirty. It was the custom of the time for the head of the house to have someone wash the guests’ feet when they came in. It was an act of hospitality.” Because it was considered a menial task, it was usually assigned to a servant of the home.
So, even though we don’t have the need for foot-washing today in the United States as they did in the first century in that area, we can put the principles into our Christian lifestyles. The role was demonstrated by Jesus to show humility and servitude. You can use your God-given talents to serve others. As I’ve mentioned before, every part of the body is useful. Every act of service is recognized and valued by God. Jesus instructs His followers to “wash one another’s feet” meaning we should actively seek to serve and care for each other.
In chapter 13 of John, we read of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet during the Last Supper. It’s considered the last act of servitude He performed before His death. I would urge you to read this chapter, again, and imagine it in the light of the disciples’ discomfort. He was doing the work of the lowliest of servants. The disciples must have been stunned at His act of humility and meekness. Washing feet was more properly their work, but no one had volunteered for the job.
Challenge yourself to be one to volunteer for the unassuming tasks. Take inventory of your talents and commit to using them for the service of others. If the work seems bothersome or unimportant, remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 25. When the King is praising the righteous for their service and they asked, “Lord, when did we do all these things?” He answered, “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me” (Matt. 25:34-40).
Hope to see you Sunday!
In Christ,