Someone once asked me what my favorite book of the Bible was. After I thought about it for a while I said, “Probably the one I am studying at the time.” We have been studying the writings of Apostle Paul the last several weeks so now I have decided to return to the teachings of Jesus while He was with His disciples and instructing them day to day. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be taking our messages from the gospels.
This week we will be studying Matt. 10:24-42. We will strive to see how Jesus’ lessons can benefit our lives, as well. Even though Jesus has returned to His Father’s right hand, His disciples continued on in His teachings and serving Him until their time on earth ended, as well.
Every generation of God’s people has been handed down the teachings and commandments of almighty Jehovah. From the first century until now, we, too, are to carry on the teachings and commandments of Jesus. We are to continue with the greatest movement ever known to mankind; the growth and expansion of Christianity, until Jesus comes to take us home with Him.
Jesus has motivated previous generations by proving the value of their souls by His sacrifice and rewarding their faithful service with eternal life in heaven.
We are the greatest of all of God’s creation, His crowning glory. We were created in His image and designed for good work.
I hope and pray you will join us as we answer the question of the cost of true discipleship and how our Christian service will be immensely rewarded. As we learn from Jesus’ example and His teachings, we can know our service is not in vain.
In Christ,